We have lots of amazing events coming up! Wednesday, February 26th, I'll be giving a free talk on sustainable gardening at the First Unitarian Church in Providence 6:30-8. https://www.facebook.com/events/2461937024121102/
March 7th 10-11:30 we're back at Blackstone Park to learn about frogs and toads by Irving Pond. https://www.blackstoneparksconservancy.org/events/frogs-toads/
Then I'll be doing a workshop on trees as part of the Land and Water Summit. https://landandwaterpartnership.org/summit_register.php
Session 3 Workshops: 2:45 am – 4:00 pm
Click on the name of the workshop to see a description of the workshop above the table.
3-B. Art for Environmental Advocacy
Melissa Guillet - 15 Minute Field Trips
Learn how to teach complex environmental concepts through art and engage the
community in dialogue and action plans. Participate in a variety of art projects
including song, dance, costume design, and drawing, and connect them to
topics such as climate change, carbon sequestration, erosion control, and even
fish migration! Leave with ideas to develop programs for your organization
to engage families, partner with schools and youth groups, and more.
community in dialogue and action plans. Participate in a variety of art projects
including song, dance, costume design, and drawing, and connect them to
topics such as climate change, carbon sequestration, erosion control, and even
fish migration! Leave with ideas to develop programs for your organization
to engage families, partner with schools and youth groups, and more.
There will be another free talk March 21st at the Cranston Library 2 p.m.
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Nature Systems in Your Backyard @ Central Nature is full of interlocking systems where nothing is wasted. Learn how to garden and landscape sustainably, how to attract more birds, butterflies, and pollinating bees, and how to create a welcoming habitat in your backyard.Presenter Melissa Guillet, Master Gardener, is an educator and expert on many topics including sustainable gardening, pollinators, and backyard habitats.This program is presented in collaboration with the URI Master Gardener Program and is the first of three sessions in our Spring Forward series. All events are free and open to the public.
CONTACT: Reference Department 401-943-9080 x3 central@cranstonlibrary.org
LOCATION: Central James T. Giles Community Room
April 4th we're at Blackstone Park to look under logs. Then there's a kid's class on fish at the HeArtspot gallery 1-2:30.
See you outside!