Flooding and Climate Change

It's more than buzz words and it can be addressed in the classroom.  Here are two articles that put it in perspective, including the impact of human activities, laws and policies, species affected, and the natural water cycle.

Louisiana's Flooding, Delta Formation, and the Impact of Human Activity

The Arctic Circle, Ice Melt, Native Species, Hunting Policies, Change in Weather and Water Cycle

And from RIEEA:

1.  Climate change resource-linked concept maphttp://cmapspublic2.ihmc.us/rid=1QFJ88YMG-M7FBBS-5N06/Climate%20Change%20Bite-Sized2.cmapWhen you click on the small boxes at the bottom of the concept bubbles and then click on the links that appear in the drop down menu, you will connect directly to hundreds of climate change education resources. This work is in progress all the time as more resources are developed. Occasionally, links may not work if resources have been taken down from the web. Detailed instructions on how to navigate to your state's organizations offering solutions for climate change challenges and to education resources are found in the “New users:Click square below” bubble. 

2.  Weather-climate strand maphttp://cmapspublic2.ihmc.us/rid=1QY2J1VN4-1W6RVK6-4GP0/NGSS%20Weather-Climate%20Strand%20Map%202017.cmapThis resource shows a K-12 learning progression of how the knowledge and skills needed to understand and address climate change may develop throughout the schooling years. The standards in the bubbles are from the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). They are color-coded by science discipline. 

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