Edible Wild Plants

Think it's just a weed?  Think again!

This page will continue to grow, but here are a few resources on edible wild plants.  Use caution: Do not collect from areas subject to water run-off (contamination) or along roadways (exhaust, run-off, litter, traffic danger).  Consult local experts to properly identify plants.  Dandelions and cat's ears look very similar.  Dandelions are entirely edible, as well as cat's ears (aka flatweed), but sometimes look-alikes are not edible or even toxic!  Most of the differences are subtle, but one good marker is the cat's ear has hairy, round-lobed leaves.  More comparisons with photos here.


The French dent de lion refers to the “toothy” edges of the dandelion leaves. 

Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are edible and a source of vitamins A, B, and C, iron, calcium, and potassium!

Young leaves make a nutritious, tasty salad!  Flowers can be fermented into wine.  Roots help reduce blood sugar and can be roasted as a coffee substitute!  Choose plants far from roadsides that have not been exposed to herbicides, pesticides, or other contaminants.

Sunny flowers develop into a moon-like puff ball that can contain 200 seeds, floating up like stars up to five miles away!  These plants are the heavens on earth!

The white sap contains latex and can be used as a glue.  Flowers yield yellow dye and leaf ribs purple dye.

Dandelions flower early in spring until late fall and help bees and other pollinators!  Flowers open in the morning and close at night.

You can weave flowers with stems into garlands or stick them between your toes!

Save some for the bees!

Five Native Edible Wild Plants: https://www.bluewaterbaltimore.org/blog/5-edible-native-plants/ 

Flatweed: http://www.offthegridnews.com/alternative-health/cats-ear-backyard-weed-with-super-antioxidant-properties/

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