Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Fairy Days and Magical Moss Microworlds

Come visit the Botanical Center this month for Fairy Days! I'll be there today and Wednesday to show the magical micro worlds of moss! (I might even be wearing wings! ;p)  

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Learning Opportunities!

April 22nd is Earth Day.  Learn how to be more sustainable through these workshops and events!  Most are FREE:

Here's where you'll find me:

April 18th: I am giving a FREE talk on Insects at the Harmony Library at 6:00.  There will be bugs!!!
April 19th 9-1 and April 20th 1-4: I'll be dressed as a fairy and teaching about microfauna if you stop at the moss table at the Roger Williams Botanical Center in Providence.  Fairy Days runs April 14th to May 1st, select days.  More info here.
April 21st: I'm at the Jamestown Library 6:30-7:30 for a free talk on how to create a Backyard Habitat.
April 22nd: My favorite and four years running...Dirt and Detrivores at the RWP Zoo 11-3.  Meet pill bugs, sow bugs, earth worms, millipedes, bess beetles, and more.  Play "Dirt", the Candyland-inspired board game for worms.  Learn about compost.  draw an underground map.  Designed for kids, but adults welcome too!

Check out my article on Sustainable Eating Practices in the April issue of Natural Awakenings.

More events:

Master Gardener Talks: https://www.providenceri.com/botanical-center/calendar
Clean-Ups: https://www.providenceri.com/parks-and-rec/calendar
Nature/Science Stuff: https://www.providenceri.com/museum/calendar